AireBorn Digital

NHS digital - Delegated Access

The problem

How do we safely and securely share health care information digitally.

A wireframe of what sharing your healthcare mausharing access to healthcare

My role in the project

Delegated access was part of the NHS login programme in which we were tasked with designing solutions for allowing the sharing of healthcare data digitally. We know this had been attempted several times, usually becoming stuck due to the complexities and the risks associated. I worked alongside another designer, researcher, content designer and several developers.

What's the easiest thing we can deliver

We knew that this project had failed already a few times so this time we looked at what is the easiest, least riskiest option. By focusing on giving access to another person we cut out the majority or issues that surround acting on behalf of another person. We could allow the sharing onwards, build the platform and then taking claming access later in the project.

A simple user journey using post-it notes to show how we could give access to another person

Considering the full journey

We zoomed in initially looking at the problem of giving access to your health data to another person and what that may look like. But coming back to the full journey we started to map out what it looks like for a user signing up to NHS login and then giving access, what does the full journey look like and how does that experience work. Starting very lo-fi we mapped out the journey using post-it notes which allowed us to change things around quickly and try new flows and ideas.

A design process showing a very messy desk and using postit notes to represent screens in the NHS login service

Moving to prototypes

Once we were happy with the initial sketches, flows and designs then we moved to the Gov prototype kit to allow us to create working versions that users can click through and use on their own devices. We ended up taking this prototype to peoples homes as part of our user research to understand how users would feel about sharing their health information online.

A design process showing a very messy desk and using postit notes to represent screens in the NHS login service A design process showing a very messy desk and using postit notes to represent screens in the NHS login service